I just looked at the Hammett bibliographies in (on? at? through?) the rara avis web page. You may like to put this Continental Op bibliography up there to be going on with. BTW, if anyone has made use of the Op bibliography on the gnn site (a good page) they might be interested to know that, afaik, there is *one* Op story missing. I have some other Hammett bibliographical material that I am working on at the moment, specifically the Dell reprints. I'll pass a copy to the list/web site when I'm through with it, though this probably won't be until Spring. --------------------------------------------- Dashiell Hammett's The Continental Op: A Bibliography. Between October 1923 and February 1930 Hammett published 26 Continental Op stories, two novelettes and two novels. Here follows an annotated list of the twenty-six short stories, with their original publications details. (CO 1974 refers to the Stephen Marcus collection, entitled The Continental Op; BKO 1966 refers to the Lillian Hellman collection, entitled The Big Knockover and other stories). †'Arson Plus', The Black Mask (Oct 1 1923) The first Op story. *†'Slippery Fingers', The Black Mask (Oct 15 1923). 'Crooked Souls', The Black Mask (Oct 15 1923) The first Op story under Hammett's own name [reprinted as 'The Gatewood Caper' in The Big Knockover 1966]. 'It' The Black Mask (Nov 1 1923). *'Bodies Piled Up', The Black Mask (Dec 1923) [reprinted in William F. Nolan, ed., The Black Mask Boys; and in The Dashiell Hammett Omnibus as 'House Dick']. ‡'The Tenth Clew', The Black Mask (Jan 1 1924) [reprinted in CO 1974]. *'Night Shots' The Black Mask (Feb 1924). 'Zigzags of Treachery' The Black Mask (Mar 1 1924). *'One Hour' The Black Mask (Apr 1924). ‡'The House in Turk Street', The Black Mask (Apr 15 1924) [reprinted in CO 1974]. 'The Joke on Eloise Morey' Brief Stories 8, No 4 (June 1923). ‡'The Girl with Silver Eyes', The Black Mask (June 1924) [reprinted in CO 1974]. 'Women, Politics and Murder' The Black Mask (Sept 1924). 'The Golden Horseshoe', The Black Mask (Nov 1924) [reprinted in CO 1974 and reprinted in The DH Omnibus]. 'Who Killed Bob Teal?' True Detective Stories (Nov 1924) [reprinted in The DH Omnibus; and Marc Gerard, ed., Murder Plus]. 'Mike, Alec or Rufus?' The Black Mask (Jan 1925). 'The Whosis Kid', The Black Mask (March 1925) [reprinted in CO 1974]. 'The Scorched Face', The Black Mask (May 1925) [reprinted in BKO 1966]. 'Corkscrew', The Black Mask (Sept 1925) [reprinted in BKO 1966]. 'Dead Yellow Women', The Black Mask (Nov 1925) [reprinted in BKO 1966]. 'The Gutting of Couffignal', The Black Mask (Dec 1925) [reprinted in BKO 1966] 'The Creeping Siamese' (March 1926) 'The Main Death' Black Mask (June 1927) [reprinted in CO 1974]. 'Fly Paper', Black Mask (Aug 1927) [reprinted in BKO 1966]. 'The Farewell Murder', Black Mask (Feb 1930) [reprinted in CO 1974]. 'Death and Company' The Black Mask (Feb 1930). †Hammett published these under the nom de plume Peter Collinson. ‡ Richard Layman: 'The best op stories of 1924' (Shadowman p. 52). * Described by Layman as 'lethargic', 'simple hackwork' p. 49. Further reading: William F. Nolan, 'Shadowing the Continental Op', Armchair Detective 8 (1974) 121-123. Richard Layman, Dashiell Hammett: A Descriptive Bibliography (University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh, PA, 1979). - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca