Corrections Department: Eddie Duggan kindly reminds me that Dashiell Hammett's story "Too many have lived" was published in 1932 - it thus appeared _after_ The Maltese Falcon. In my review of "The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction" I wrongly and hastily assertedthat this was Spade's first appearance. In this, I was misled by editor Jakubowski's introduction, in which he makes the same assertion. While sitting in my library confirming Eddie's correction, I dug up the anthology "Great Detectives", Pantheon, 1984, edited by David Willis McCullough, which contains all three Spade stories, including "Too many have lived". Regards, and apologies, Mario Taboada Old Dominion University - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to