Hi, everyone: I just got the announcement for this discussion group and have just signed on through majordomo@icomm.ca Really looking forward to sharing my hardboiled enthusiasms. I've just finished a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Louisville and am in the process of trying to find a job teaching same at a university. I would love to work up a course that involves hardboiled writing. My favorite writer is most definitely Jim Thompson. I just finished A Hell of a Woman and thought it right fine, though my favorite so far has been Pop. 1280. I am saving The Killer Inside Me for a rainy day. I would love suggestions about what Thompson to pick up next. (I've already read Swell-Looking Babe and Savage Night). I also love Horace McCoy, especially Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye, I Should Have Stayed Home, and They Shoot Horses, Don't They. I also dig Raymond Chandler. I've found Dashiell Hammet a little dry, and have mixed feelings about Andrew Vachs. I might pick up James M. Cain next, or perhaps more Thompson. Any suggestions? At this point, I have two questions. I really loved Charles Williams' The Hot Spot, but can't find anything else by him to read. Any suggestions? Also, what's going on among academic/scholarly/critical circles with regard to this sort of material. Has any "must-read" stuff appeared, yet? (For me, the more theoretical, the better. I especially like Lacanian readings). Here's a hot tip from me: Pick up Vicki Hendricks' Miami Purity, available on Black Lizard. Really razzle-dazzle stuff. The narrator is a woman whose packin some deliciously wicked (and witty) class-politics. Does anyone know if Vicky Hendricks plans to do more books with this narrator? Let's hope so. T. R. - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca