Tosh says: <<I just read W.R. Bennett's The Asphalt Jungle and thought it was great! I am really into heist (sp?) films, and don't know too much about it in its literature form. Can someone recommend other novels that deals with a group planning a crime, and then getting messed up during and after the robbery. I also love the films of Melville. Oh by the way, my name is Tosh. Pleasure to meet all of you.>> If you haven't already, check out Elmore Leonard's "Freaky Deaky", a violent and hilarious story of a heist. As someone already mentioned, Richard Stark (Donald Westlake) has written a whole series featuring a professional robber called Parker - and his books as Westlake are also often about heists, although the comedic element tends to dominate. "The hot rock" is a good example of this. Regards to all members of the list (a long-needed forum for hardboiled discussions). - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to