Bill Denton, in his message answering Bill Murray's: > As to Willeford, I picked >up _The Shark-Infested Custard_ the other day and finished it last >night. Strange book. It's about four guys in their twenties in >Miami, in the seventies. There are four interwoven novellas, >centering on the different guys, usually involving murder, weird sex >and some other illegal activities. It has an unsettling ending. < Well, a coincidence: I red this novel jeust before Christmas! As far as I know The Shark Infested Custardl is different from the typical way Willeford elaborated style and construction (for the second part of his writer's career -at least from what I red: the series with Hoke, his bluesy cop) To me this [ .... Custard ]one seems like a Jazz quartet playing a ballad with a turn of solos from the players... Seems also like all the 4 central characters shift to a parallel world of their own where murder is a normal way to solve problems. This novel leaves a taste of unfulfillment as IMO the reader feels subjectively that everything is set for more development. Not necessarily to get a "finale" but evrything is there to do more. IMO not a great novel but certainly an interesting one. Willeford is definitely hard-boiled, even if this novel is not 100% the right stuff. Cheers E.Borgers - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to