
RARA-AVIS: The Parthian Shot (Test) (fwd)

This is another one Eddie sent out before archiving started, so it's
going around again.  I'll set up a HyperMail-type archive sooner or
later, I hope.

William Denton : buff@vex.net     <-- Please note new address.
Toronto, Canada                   <-- I'm not at io.org any more.
http://www.vex.net/~buff/         Caveat lector.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 13:05:27 -0500
From: E J M Duggan <106156.565@compuserve.com>
Reply-To: rara-avis@icomm.ca
To: rara-avis LIST <rara-avis@icomm.ca>
Subject: RARA-AVIS: The Parthian Shot (Test)

The Parthian Shot
By Dashiell Hammett

When the boy was six months
old Paulette Key acknowledged
that her hopes and efforts had
been futile, that her baby was indubit-
ably and irredeemably a replica of its
father.  She could have endured the
physical resemblance, but the duplica-
tion of Harold Key's stupid obstinacy---
unmistakable in the fixity of the child's
inarticulate demands for its food, its
toys---was too much for Paulette.  She
knew she could not go on living with 
*two* such natures!  A year and a half of
Harold's domination had not subdued
her entirely. She took the little boy to
church, had him christened Don, sent
him home by his nurse, and boarded a
train for the West.

*The Smart Set* 69 No. 2 (October, 1922)

Hammett's first published article appeared in 
Mencken and Nathan's pretentious upmarket slick, 
*The Smart Set* (which was subsidised by their other 
title, *The Black Mask*) 

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