It's true: We've teamed up with J'ai Lu to create a French
version of Hard Case Crime. The logo is not exactly the same
-- they've separated the crown-and-gun logo from the words
"Hard Case Crime" and rearranged the elements slightly -- but
it's certainly recognizable. And the books won't all be the
same either. The first three titles did also all appear in
our U.S. line, but in the future J'ai Lu will also bring out
French editions of books we did not publish here. And who
knows? One of these days we might bring out an English
edition of a book by some French author they introduce us
Oddly, they aren't using pulp-style painted covers in France,
since they believe the style wouldn't be popular there. But
the illustrations they're using instead are quite handsome
and I've been delighted with the three I've seen so
-------------- Charles Ardai Editor, Hard Case Crime
--- In, "E. Borgers"
<webeurop@...> wrote:
> I discovered that a pocketbooks publisher in France
(J'ai Lu) is
advertising the three first titles of a series called HARD
> After checking, it appears that it uses an identical
logo and
that the 3 titles belong to the US collection of the same
> What is the exact role of the American HARD CASE
CRIME in this?
> Just an output for the originals (as Stanberry's "
and some not yet translated old HB titles (providing the
translation rights belong to HCC) ?
> Thanks for any information on the future of what
looks like a
franchise (or a joint-venture?).
> E.Borgers
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