Re: RARA-AVIS: Marc Behm recommendations

Etienne Borgers (
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 17:28:41 +0800 (SGT) >Hello, folks!
>I recently sent a message to Serpents' Tail press, suggesting that Marc
>Behm's novels would fit in well with their catalog (since he seems to be
>out of print in English). In response, I got this message:
><<Perhaps you could suggest which of Behm's work I should look at first. He
>is a writer I have wanted to read for a while now.>>
>"Eye Of the Beholder" is all I've read, and that was years ago. So I
>thought I'd turn to this list for recommendations, please, to pass along to
>the publisher. -- Duane

Behm is living in France since long and since a while all his new works are
published there first, so it can be with long delays that an English edition
appears for some of them.

'The Eye of the Beholder' - 1981- was certainly one of his most interesting
books and was adapted to film as well (a French movie: Mortelle Randonnee)
Before this, there was his first novel: The Queen of the Night (1977),
highly recommended as well.
Then, 'The Ice Maiden' (1982), wherein Behm uses fantasy and surrealism,
that will become his trademark for most of his following works. Not
forgetting black humor.
Another very good novel: 'Afraid to Death' (1990).

Followed by other novels (additional 4 if I'm not mistaken), all in the dark
humor vein, full of originality and unleashed creativity... Example: Lucy,
one of his characters is a female devil that chases the souls of the damned.
The Death is literally a character in another one. Or do you prefer a gang
of vampires that organizes a great burglary?
But maybe creativity and fantasy is not for all tastes. Whatever... Behm is
a real author.


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